Greetings! Well, here we are- the end of the first work week of January. So what's the upshot? Toe update first- it is feeling much better today and I am almost back to walking normally. My tango days have not disappeared! This was an interesting week- the Valentines event is moving forward with some tangible progress. We now have a salsa school on board to have lessons and dancing at the event and other fun activities. Lisa should be sending the flyer over tonight, then I can have our web host put it on our site on Monday. The date/location is set for our Mother's Day tea and I have our jazz musicians on board to perform at the event. The hotel sent over a contract which I need to review and sign. I also need to have Lisa do a flyer for the event so we can get that on our site and I want to start spreading the word for nominations for our 1st Annual Awesome Mom award which will be part of the event.
Everday, it seems the economic news gets worse and worse. I woke up this morning listening to CNN stating that this is the highest unemployment rate since 1945. I keep hearing that things are going to get worse. So of course, I can't help but wonder who is going to come to our events? Where are the sponsors coming from? Grants? It's a very worrisome situation. However, I still need to do events and I know that our fun, well priced, well marketed events will be successful.
I still haven't finished my 2009 plan- I know its taking too long. Ideally, it should have been finished by the end of last year. I had a lot of meetings this week- they were important meetings, but it really took a lot of work time out of the afternoon. I found myself tired these last few nights and I didn't go back to work the way I usually do. I need to get a better grasp of time management, I feel like things slipped a little this week. That's part of the reason why I need to finish my yearly plan- so I can break things down into monthly plans. I already know most of what needs to be done, but it is helpful to get it written. It would be so helpful if I could go out to meetings and have an assistant here working. I can't be in the office all day, but it is tough knowing that when I get back everything is just the same as when I left- actually worse, since it is now later in the day and my list still has the same items unchecked from that morning.
Anyways, enough on that subject- I feel like I talk about it all the time, but I don't have a viable way of improving the situation. What else is new this week? I can't remember- I say that all the time too don't I? Honestly though, there is so much else that goes on, little things that I think of during the day that I want to include on my blog, but then I forget at night- the worst part is that I'm a total night person. This would be understandable if I was a crazy morning bird, but I'm the exact opposite- so my blogging blankness is really not excusable.
I was watching Miss Potter tonight- the movie about Beatrix Potter- the famous children's book author and illustrator. I adored her books when I was a child. She was 32 when she had her first book published in 1903. So why am I writing about that? Because it got me thinking about how people work so hard, for so long before they ever achieve success. I'll be turning 29 in a couple of weeks and I've been thinking about that a lot lately. It's kind of funny because part of me isn't sure what to think. I'm happy with where I am and I think that getting older is wonderful in many ways- I know a lot more than I did a few years ago and I'm in a much better position. No way would I want to go back to being 21 or 23 again. But I am also nervous, because I feel so conscious of time and I feel like I don't have enough time- I worry that I'll never achieve what I want to achieve and I worry that I'll run out time with my family. I know that may sound silly and I'm probably not doing a very good job explaining how I'm feeling.
Anyways, enough on that subject. I probably should go and work, but it is Friday night and it is 12:40- I should have been out dancing tonight, but I'm home waiting for the toe to fully recover. So I'm going to go clean up a few things and perhaps read for a little bit. Until next week friends...
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