well, these have not been the best of days. The company that has been buying boxes for us for the past year abruptly ended their support and now we only have 6 empty boxes. I scrambled to contact local box companies that we can buy from, I got a good price from one company, so I think that is the one that we are going to go with. I'm waiting for them to get back to me with the cost to create the template. The boxes are important because they have our name and logo on them (they also used to have the logo of the company who bought them for us). I don't have a new box sponsor and I don't have time to find one. I need these boxes urgently. The other bad news is that I won't be getting the boxes until some time in January. I'm not going back to our days of using Poland Spring water gallon boxes with our logo taped to them. We're going to have to wait until the new ones come in. It was very disappointing to lose this company's support and it was especially bad to lose it suddenly- leaving me no time to make alternative arrangements. I appreciate what they did do for us and I wish that they didn't choose to end their support. The good thing is that I do have a lot of boxes of stuffed animals all ready to be donated in the mean time.
In good news, we received the $551 was credited back to our account from the woman who lost the airline tickets, then contacted her credit card company and pretended that she never received them. I was fairly confident that we would win, particularly since we had such strong proof, but it was still a relief to get the letter stating that our money was being returned.
Well, I think that's it for tonight. I'm off to read for a bit, I got a mystery novel from the library and I'm enjoying it- although I think it did contribute to the nightmare I had last night after reading! Until tomorrow friends...
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