Well, I think I over estimate how long it takes to get things done. I wrote a long list last night and was feeling very motivated, but I only got to about half the items on the list. I didn't get to any grant work which I really need to. The good news is that my first calendar photo shoot is scheduled for early June in Attleboro with a moms group. I had children from that group in the calendar last year and the photos came out great. It always feels good to start scheduling photo shoots.
Our donation to Southborough PD went well this morning. We've donated to them before and they were happy to get more items. Here is a photo from the donation. The chief is a woman, I think she is the first woman police chief that I've met. She was very pleasant.
In good news, Emily Riemer, the anchor/reporter from Channel 5 News Boston is going to be hosting our Smiling Stiletto Fall into Fashion Show fundraiser this October in Copley Place. I'm excited to have her on board. I think she'll do a great job. I love having news reporters involved in our events. They are very reliable, well known in the community and they do a really good job- a perfect combination.
I did work on date auction and anniversary event sponsors. I reached out to a local sponsor that had been involved in a small way a couple of years ago, I'm hoping that they can increase their support this year. I've also been speaking with a new sponsor for the Date Auction who said they would like to sponsor. Hopefully, I should have more details soon.
Well, that's the latest for tonight. I'm off to eat the last grapefruit which I've been saving and then reading some more of the next Hunger Games book. Until tomorrow friends...
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