Well friends- the countdown until our fall events (particularly the Date Auction) is officially underway. Actually, it has been underway for at least nine months, but now the end is in sight. I can't even begin to tell you how nerve wracking it is. There is so much pressure to have 3 successful events- with the Date Auction being the biggest and the Anniversary Celebration right behind it. The good news is that we are in a good place for our events. I filled all the spots for people to be auctioned off. We have an awesome crew signed up. Our first email blast to our database is going out tomorrow morning. I then have to send Lisa, one of our designers, photos of 20 of our bachelors/ettes to include on the email blast that will go out to the Boston Event Guide database. Once I get that version done, I'll also send it out on the future email blasts to our database. I wait until I get everyone signed up before I pick the photos to include on the email. You don't want to miss including a really attractive and/or well known person. The BEG marketing is one of our biggest components. I feel like I'm doing everything I can to have a successful event, but I still get so anxious.
In other news, calendar photos are almost done. I was in Weston this morning doing photos with an officer and his two little girls- they were a very nice family. I may have one more photo shoot to do. Marie, the graphic designer, is working on the calendar layout. It is always exciting to see the calendar. I'll be really happy when it heads to the printer- one more thing done!
Well, that's the latest for tonight. I need to go and catch up on some emails and submit some more updates for our website. I still have to do some grant work- I've been so focused on events that I haven't spent enough time on the grants. Ah, I need a clone! Until tomorrow friends...
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