Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well, today was a good day. I felt back into the swing of things and got a lot done. Amanda, our intern, was here today and she did a great job as usual. She is one of the best helpers that I've had- she gets a lot done on her own and does a really good job. It really makes a difference having her here. I was working on our anniversary celebration today. I contacted Dick Ferrucci and he is ready to host our event. I also wrote to a local news anchor who was interested in being a special guest speaker last year, hopefully, she will be able to participate in this year's event. I really like having news anchors as our special guest speakers. They are intelligent, good communicators and reliable- 3 very important things and they're interesting too. I also worked on our date auction sponsorship package, I need to start getting that out soon. I was supposed to be donating stuffed animals and other items to the Dedham PD today, but the weather was pretty dodgy this afternoon, so I rescheduled that to Thursday. Tomorrow, we're doing our first homeless shelter donations. I'm donating to two shelters, one in Dorchester and another in Boston. I'm also dropping off more items with the Sommerville PD. I also contacted the Connecticut Department of Children and Families because I want to expand our program to help children entering foster care in CT. I left a message, so hopefully I will hear back soon.

So next year we're going to be holding a road race. It was Michelle, our board member's idea and I think it is a really good one. She has been talking about it for a while and did want to hold it this summer, but we discussed it and we're going to hold it in 2011. Road races are very big undertakings and it requires a lot of planning time. Since I don't have a large staff, we need a year to organize a big event. We could have done something small, but the amount of effort it takes to run a small event, compared to the return makes it not really worth it.

What else is going on? Probably a lot, but now I'm getting tired and can't think. I went to bed at 3am last night, I got a major energy boost at midnight and did a lot of housework. I've been really distracted lately by some pretty big things that are going on, so I was really happy today that I focused on work and got a lot accomplished. I'm going to try to make every day like that. The distractions aren't going away anytime soon, but I can't let work suffer. I've been doing better with exercising every day- I had slipped with exercising daily lately, but I've really made an effort to get back on track. I also know that I've been blogging less lately and I want to fix that. I really do enjoy writing my blog- I can't imagine that it is always interesting, but it makes me happy to write about what's going on and share things. It is also a nice way to unwind at night.

Well friends, I'm off to eat a grapefruit. I've been on a clementine binge- I have some incredible ones from Trader Joe's and I'm trying to savor them and not eat 4 at a time, so I'll have a grapefruit- also very good. Until tomorrow...

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