Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Well friends, the countdown is on until the Date Auction! Well, to be accurate- I've been counting down for over 6 months, but now are only 10 days away. Ah, the butterflies! Things are looking good though. We're at the same place for ticket sales as we were this time last year. That is important because last year was an awesome turn out and it we want to match that attendance or increase it. The Boston Globe Names section did an awesome write-up about the Date Auction in Friday's paper. Here is a photo of it directly from the paper. It is amazing to be included in the Names section.
The Improper Bostonian also donated a second ad for the Date Auction which was a wonderful surprise. The ad just came out on Sunday in their latest magazine. It is a half page ad which is beautiful. I had always wanted to advertise the event in the Improper, but could never afford it, so to have them so generously offer to donate one ad, then donate a second one is really wonderful.

In other news, I made excellent progress last night on one of the grants that I have to work on. I've been getting sick of hearing myself talk about how I have to work on the grants and I was also getting tired of writing it on my list every time, so I decided that progress needed to be made no matter what. I'm going to back and keep working tonight so I can get this one finished and in the mail tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Braintree to pick up the sports memorabilia photos for the silent auction at the Date Auction. I wanted to pick them up this week so it is one less thing to do next week. I also want to get the bid sheets started tomorrow so that can be done as well. The less there is to do next week, the better.

On that note, off I go to get some grapes from the fridge and head off to grant world. Keep wishing me more ticket sales please! Until tomorrow friends...

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