Well, I wish I had some fascinating news to share- I don't. The odd thing was that I felt off my game when making phone calls. I was following up with donors for silent auction items for both our events and reaching out to new donors and potential sponsors. I wasn't doing anything particularly wrong when I was talking, but I noticed that I was stumbling a little when I spoke and just wasn't as sharp. Usually, I feel like I do well on the phone, I genuinely enjoy talking on the phone. I decided to take a break from phone calls until I could get back in the rhythm. Phone calls are so important, I can't afford not be on my A game. I came back to phone calls a couple of hours later and things were back to normal. Sometimes it really helps to take a break and not force an issue. I got commitments from Truro vineyards who are going to donate a tour/tasting again for the Anniversary Celebration and I also got a tour/tasting gift certificate from the Blue Hills Brewery for the silent auction at our Date Auction. I found them at the Wine Fest which we did a silent auction at recently. They make a fabulous watermelon beer which I sampled. I reached out to some new potential date auction sponsors too. I'm so glad that I met with that marketing panel a couple of months ago. I love the improvements that we made to our event sponsorship package based on their suggestions.
Tomorrow, I need to submit some photos of our bachelors/ettes for the date auction website. It is really early, but we only get an hour of web update time per month included in our fee, so I try to get things done gradually so we can make the best use of our time. Sofft sent over a new shoe image to use, so we can get that on our website and event flier too. I am so happy that they are on board for the event- they are such a huge part of its success.
Well, I think that's all I have for tonight. I know this was hardly the most fascinating blog post ever. I don't have interesting things to write about, but my mind seems to be going blank. I have to be up early tomorrow- I have a dentist appointment, then I'm doing a donation to the Fall River police department. It has been a while since we donated to that department. I loaded up my car tonight with stuffed animals. I still have to finish loading up the box of coloring books/crayons and reading books that we're donating too. I've been putting photos from our recent donations on our Project Smile Facebook page- so be sure to check them out! I already had my yogurt and pineapple- while watching one of my favorite shows, the Good Wife, so I'm going to write my list, read book and then go to bed at a decent hour- I did OK with that last night. Until tomorrow friends..
You are a dynamo! What an amazing networker you are.
Also posted the good gift news on my twitter and linkedin accounts!
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