Thursday, January 19, 2012

Events Underway

Well, I almost didn't blog tonight- I'm actually trying to get to bed early (I fail miserably at those attempts), so I was going to skip blogging. I felt guilty because I haven't blogged this week and I didn't want to disappoint the thousands of people who faithfully read my fascinating posts over their morning coffee (OK, I may not exactly have thousands of readers). I also enjoy blogging- it a nice way to unwind and actually think back on what happened during the day.

I've been doing a lot of work getting things set up for our upcoming big events. I hate working under pressure, so I really make a huge effort to get things done as early as possible. It is much easier to get things done now instead of scrambling when you really need things. Our date auction sponsor pack is done along with the new flier recruiting singles to be auctioned. I submitted the updates to our web host, so the new info should be on our site in a couple of days. I'm also going to get our Anniversary Celebration info all ready to go. It worked out perfectly having the sponsor packet already done because I was at a social event last night in Boston and met a representative from a huge company that would be a perfect fit as a sponsor for our date auction. We chatted at the event and I emailed her the info today. The packet just got finalized yesterday, so I was so happy that I didn't have to rush home and send Lisa an emergency email to get the updates done. I've also reached out to some other vendors who were at last year's event to invite them back. I also started working on getting gift certificates and auction items donated.

Our Step into Spring fashion show at Copley is shaping up to be awesome. Finale just came on board to provide desserts for the guests! Along with the other vendors that already committed, we have a brewery which is close to committing and Michelle, our board member, who launched a cupcake business will be doing her delicious cupcakes again. Copley handles getting all the stores involved and coordinating the models. I wrote the email tonight recruiting models from our Smiling Stiletto shoe club members. It will go out in the morning. I'm really excited for this event.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Boston Police to do another donation of stuffed animals, books and coloring books/crayons. I scheduled another donation to DCF for Monday. Hopefully, I'll get to do a photo from tomorrow's donation.

Well, that's the latest for tonight. I'm off to eat my grapefruit and write my list- the only problem is that I'm tired and I can't think of what needs to go on tomorrow's list besides donating to Boston PD and picking up more PS boxes. There is definitely more that needs to be accomplished. Until tomorrow friends...

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