Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Well, today was one of those quiet days where you plug along, working on different tasks. I started out contacting police departments, I left a bunch of messages, but didn't get through to anyone. In the afternoon, I was working on gift certificates for the date auction- I need donations for both the silent auction at the event and for the 'couples' to use on their date. I don't know where the times goes- I only intended to spend an hour on the gift certificates, but it ended up being much longer than that. I think I consistently underestimate how long it takes to get certain things done. This was also more time consuming because I was researching new businesses to contact for gift certificate donation.

I need to recruit more volunteers or interns- there is so much that I need to get done during the day which I don't get to. I've tried before to get interns, but didn't have any luck. I also need to update my profile on Volunteer Match- Lisa, one of the best interns that I've ever had, found us that way. I'm going to put that on my list for tomorrow. I need someone with good computer skills, who is reliable and good on the phone, that can come in for a couple of hours a week and help with either program work or fundraising- or ideally, both things.

I didn't work on the big grant today- I got so wrapped up with other things that I was working on. Tomorrow, I am definitely working on it- even if it is only for a half hour. Well, that's all for tonight- I know this was not exactly the most fascinating blog post- this is a leap day, so I feel like I should have been far more interesting! On that note, I'm off to eat my grapefruit and read my book. Until tomorrow..

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