Well, today got off to a bit of a rocky start. I woke up during the night thinking that I hadn't seen the screws that go into my backdrop's stand. Now, without these screws, the backdrop can't be set up and the backdrop is being debuted this Thursday at our shoe club event. I went back to sleep and woke up in the morning thinking about it. Fast forward almost an hour later and I was still looking for the screws. The stand costs $125, so it is not an easy thing to replace. In between looking, I made myself a cup of tea, trying to ward off the panic that was setting in. (I'm originally British- and the Brits believe in having a cup of tea even if your house is on fire) I called Staples to find out about getting replacement screws- Donna- the manager I always work with was very nice, but they didn't have the stand in stock. She recommended going to Home Depot and getting some screws that could be used temporarily. I stared out into space and felt like a moron. I decided to look on the couch again- the backdrop is rolled up and resting on the back of the couch, and there- underneath one of the pillows, were the screws. Oh, the relief! I don't even know if I had a dream about the screws- I just woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it. I'm glad I did though, because I would have been freaking out if it was Thursday morning and I was running around looking for my screws.
The rest of the day continued rather slowly- things that should not take that long to accomplish took a rather long time. I did a grant for a large foundation which usually makes an annual donation. The grant is very simple, it is for funding for the same program every year. I got hung up on some of the questions and it seemed to take forever to finish. I don't know why it seemed so complicated. The good news is that I finally got it done and submitted.
So what else is going on? Tomorrow, I'm dropping off coloring books/crayons and reading books to Bolyston PD. We did another donation to Leicester PD last week and a Worcester shelter. Leicester PD sent us a really nice thank you letter. I should scan it in and put it on our website.
In other news, another in-kind sponsor is back on board to help promote the Date Auction. So far, we've been lining up the same marketing as we usually do. I need to get back to work on sponsorship outreach and getting gift certificates donated for the couples to use. I've already started working on getting donations for our Anniversary Celebration silent auction. It is never too early to start. It may only be February, but the months fly by.
Well friends, that's it for tonight. There is lots more to write about- now that I'm another year older, I've become so much more enlightened and now have lots of insight to share (not exactly, but it sounds good). I'm off to read, write my list and head to bed. I might have my usual grapefruit- I ate late, so not sure if I'm feeling grapefruit tonight. Until tomorrow friends...
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