This is going to be a short posting- it's not even midnight and I'm so tired- heck, it's not even 11:30! I didn't want to go to bed without blogging though. So what's new? Well, today I did a donation to a homeless shelter in Brockton. I was supposed to do a donation to a shelter in Falmouth as well, but I'm going to mail those instead. It is a small shelter and they only wanted books and coloring books/crayons. I didn't have any other drop-offs scheduled in that area, so I figured it was more practical to mail. This is my first time mailing a donation to somewhere that I could have driven. I also mailed our donation to Columbia, SC police department as well. I was surprised how long it took to tape up and label the boxes for shipping- it's a lot more time consuming that just stacking them in the car. I might have overdone it a little with the tape- I was worried about boxes splitting open.
Tomorrow, I'm off to Connecticut for our first donation to the Dept. of Children and Families, for children entering foster care. I'm pretty excited about this expansion. I want it to be an ongoing partnership, just like it is with DCF in MA. I also did another donation to DCF on Friday.
I have 2 grants to work on. One of the grants is due this week, so that needs immediate attention. I kind of wish I didn't have to drive to CT tomorrow, so I could work on this grant, but I'll just have to do it when I get back. If I was feeling more energized, I would work on it now. I also need to work on the date auction and anniv. event. I have to finish the sponsor packs and then start work on obtaining sponsors and silent auction items. It's funny to think about how I'm already back to work on that.
Well friends, that's it for tonight. I was going to have some blueberries and yogurt, but right now- that seems like too much to prepare (how lazy is that!). Until tomorrow..
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