What a good day it was today! No, no miracle financial donations or angel benefactor swooping down with a million dollar check, but it was a steady productive day and days like that are rock awesome- OK, not as awesome as the days when the checks roll in, but it is still good. So what it made it so great? Well, there was major progress made in our date auction- I can't go into the details, but it was big and I am really happy about it.
I also scheduled donations next week to two Boston area fire departments and made contact with another Boston area department. I also was working (as usual) on our date auction and anniversary items- I called up one restaurant to follow up on my letter and was told that a $50 gift certificate is already in the mail! The restaurant is Tapeo on Newbury Street, Boston- they make the best sangria! I'm also working on getting a gift certificate donated for a helicopter tour, this would be an awesome auction item. I was also working on the usual phone calls and emails. I also reached out to a celebrity comedian/actor who I'm trying to get to be a special guest at our Anniversary Celebration- I can't say who it is yet, but he has Massachusetts connections. When I called today, his office was receptive. So hopefully, there might be a chance. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
There was a lot that I didn't get to today- particularly grant work, Halloween event work and contacting more nursing homes. Even though I didn't get to everything (I usually don't get to everything- if you saw my list, you'd understand), it was still a great day because I was making progress. As long as there is progress, even if it is small, it is a good day.
Anyways, off to write my list for tomorrow, send a few emails, try NOT to eat another slice of pizza and that's about it. I feel like I'm forgetting to write about something- there were other interesting things that happened today, but my mind is going blank. Probably a sign I should go to bed. Until tomorrow friends...
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