Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Well, it's the second day of a new week (3rd day to be precise, but who really counts Sunday as the first day of the week- after all, it is called the weekend??), things are off to a good start. I feel like I've been through some mini traumas with work and personal issues recently, but now I'm emerging. Last night and today, I actually feel better than I've done in a little while. I don't have any exciting work news that has brought this on, but my spirits are feeling lifted. In regards to work, I was feeling like I was personally failing in regards to fundraising, but I'm recognizing that our fundraising struggles is not because I'm doing a bad job- it's because of the economic difficulties. It isn't about making excuses, it is about understanding the situation. I'm going to obviously keep working hard at fundraising- there is no other choice other than working super hard to bring in the dollars, but I also need to not blame myself for our struggles and I also need to appreciate everything that we are doing. We have awesome auction items, we already have sponsors for events, we have committments for calendar sponsors, we have hotties already signed up for the date auction, I'm networking- I do need to do more outreach, we've applied for some new grants this year- there are a lot of good things going on.

What else am I working on? Tomorrow, I need to send over some updates and changes to our web host. I want to change something on our event page- I keep looking at a certain thing and I feel like it needs to be improved. We're going to be doing a raffle on a Boston harbor cruise next month- we have a beauty pageant winner who is so nicely volunteering her time and will be selling raffle tickets on the cruise, which is awesome. I need to work on getting raffle items. I'm already having a hard enough time getting raffle items for the date auction, so I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to be raffling off in June, but we'll figure it out. I also need to keep working on event sponsors and auction item donors for both events. And I need to do our May newsletter and work on reaching more police/fire departments.

I'm so relieved that I'm feeling better- things were rough lately both personally and professionally. It was the combination of both that really got to me. It is awful to feel so sad about things that one physically hurts. But now I feel like I'm shining again. What turned things around? I took time for myself- I did a little bit of shopping, got my hair done, spent some time with my sis and mom, talked to a lot of friends who are such a remarkable source of comfort, went to an awesome event in Boston last night with a close friend, went out with other friends tonight, did some house cleaning over the weekend and I also let myself feel sad at times- I didn't try to hide my feelings, but I also worked on keeping things in perspective and appreciating all the good that I have in my life. Things improved each day and today I felt back to normal- back to my usual fighting spirit that I rely on for work and I felt happy.

Anyways, I'm off to bed. First, I need to write my list- I was slipping for a bit with list writing, but I'm back on track. Until tomorrow friends..

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