Well, I'm back in familiar territory- hunting for date auction sponsors and gift certificate donors. So far, I've raised $1 million dollars- just kidding of course, how wonderful would that be! I contacted a lot of businesses yesterday. I haven't heard back, but it does take some time before you get results. I've been targeting businesses that want to reach the young professional market in Boston. Our event is a perfect fit for all the companies that I've approached. I try to look at things from the other side and think if I was that business, would I want to sponsor this event? Would there be value in it? With our date auction, there is definitely a lot of value for a company who wants to reach 500 young professionals at the event and many thousands more with all our event marketing AND they are helping a good cause. It is the perfect combination.
It does get a little discouraging with trying to get sponsors. I sent a lot of emails yesterday and today and the responses are slow in coming. Of course, I'm hoping for an immediate response, but I have to remember that sometimes I can be slow in responding to emails, so I need to be patient. I also need to speed up my email responses, it's an issue that I always seem to be struggling with.
I really do need help with getting sponsors for the date auction- I need help with introductions to potential sponsors so that our event is looked at and not buried with the many other charity events looking for sponsors. It makes such a difference when you have an introduction. So, if there is anyone reading my blog who can help with an introduction to someone who may be interested in sponsoring our date auction, please let me know!
I have to get back to working on grants. Grants are an important source of funding for us and I need to get working on them and I need to research new grants that we can apply for. The major focus this week is date auction sponsorship though. I really want to get some firm commitments for the event. I also need to start really recruiting singles to be auctioned.
Anyways friends, that's it for tonight. It is only 11:25, can't believe I'm done blogging already. I went to my Downtown Women Club networking event tonight in Attleboro, it was good as always. That is one of my favorite networking groups. Well, I'm off to eat my grapefruit, write my list and then sleep- I've been so tired the last couple of nights- definitely lagging my usual midnight energy. Until tomorrow..
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