Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It was a difficult day today. I am still in shock over yesterday's bombings at the Boston Marathon. It is so horrific. It was really hard to focus on doing any actual work today. I tried, but I spent most of the day reading online, looking at photos and watching the coverage. I read that the relatives of a Lowell police officer who I've known because of Project Smile for many years were very seriously injured in the attacks- one woman lost both her legs and her teenage daughter was badly injured. I emailed the officer this afternoon to let him know that I was thinking of him and his family. I can't even imagine what so many people are going through who were victims and their families. It is really heart breaking to see the images from the attacks and imagine what it was like for the people who were there. My heart goes out to everyone who was there and witnessed such horror and of course those who were victims.

I wish I had good news to report about anything, but I don't. It didn't feel right to work on fundraising today and I couldn't focus on any grants and I decided it wouldn't be a good day to reach out to any police/fire departments. I figured that even some of the departments that are no where near Boston might be extra busy today, so I didn't make any calls. Tomorrow, I'm planning to drop off stuffed animals and coloring books/crayons and reading books to Holden PD. I was supposed to drop them of on Friday, but because of the difficult driving conditions, I went straight home after Gardner. I need to be productive tomorrow, so I'm going to write my list and make sure I get some things done tomorrow.

Well, that's all for tonight friends. I wish everyone all the best- this event was a horrible reminder of how unpredictable things are and how lives can change in one devastating instant. That said, we need to also remember that many things can also happen for the best and there is so much love and many good things in the world. Until tomorrow friends..

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