Well, today was a better day- thankfully. The 3 photos from Monday and yesterday still have to be redone, but Sunday's photos were fine. I bought a new camera today, a Canon Powershot. I bought it at the photo/camera store that has developed our photos for the last 5 years. The owner really spent a lot of time showing me all the features of the camera and made an effort to make sure that I felt comfortable with it and knew how to use it. It has a ton of awesome features and the photos come out amazingly sharp. I did some test photos in the store and uploaded them onto the computer, they looked great. I was really impressed. I wish that I hadn't spent the money on film and processing that I already did this year and just bought the camera in June, but I didn't know my camera was going to break. I'm feeling relieved about things. Tomorrow, if I have the time (not sure that I actually will), I'm going to do some more practice shots. Scheduling these last 5 photo shoots has been really tough, so I need to keep following up with people to get these done.
More ticket sales for the date auction sold today! Can you imagine if we actually sold out the event? That would be incredible. Gypsy said they can hold 500 people in the dance floor area. I can't imagine that many people fitting, it felt really crowded with our 350. I need to keep working on posting the event and need to really work on getting more gift certificates for the couples, we are very short so far. I have another date auction issue that needs to be worked on as well.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. I'm speaking at the Marlborough Rotary Club at noon, then back to work and then selling raffle tickets on a Boston harbor cruise organized by Boston Event Guide. My friend and board member, Michelle is donating Britney Spears and Celtics tickets for the raffle- how cool is that? She's coming to help sell tickets as well- she is an awesome board member.
Well, that's the latest for tonight. It is 2:15 and I need to go to bed. I've fallen back into the really late nights again and I need get out of that- it makes the mornings really hard to concentrate. I also need to work on my speech for the Rotary club, I'll probably wait until the morning for that. Until tomorrow...
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